20231117 A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial

A superconducting quantum simulator based on a photonic-bandgap metamaterial Eunjong Kim Assistant Professor, Department of Physics & Astronomy, Seoul National University Experimental realizations of engineerable quantum systems provide insights into exotic quantum many-body concepts that are intractable with available classical methods. A key challenge in the development of modern quantum simulators is to maintain the level of connectivity and control during scale-up. While majority of scalable quantum simulation and computation…

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20231110 Bipolar thermoelectricity from non-equilibrium spontaneous particle-hole symmetry broken.

Title: Bipolar thermoelectricity from non-equilibrium spontaneous particle-hole symmetry broken. Speaker: Dr. Alessandro Braggio Affiliation: Istituto di Nanoscienze CNR-NANO & NEST, Scuola Normale Superiore Date and time: Nov. 10 (Fri.), 4pm We have recently predicted[1] and demonstrated[2] the possibility of generating a new thermoelectric effect. In particular, we predicted the bipolar thermoelectricity effect in a superconducting tunnel junction with asymmetric gaps where the Josephson coupling is suppressed[1]. The bipolar thermoelectricity is…

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20231020 Quasiparticle Theory Revisited: Fragility and Anisotropy

“Quasiparticle Theory Revisited: Fragility and Anisotropy” Dr. Seongjin Ahn Department of Physics, Chungbuk National University Oct. 20 (Fri.), 04:00 PM https://kriss-re-kr.zoom.us/j/84862389983?pwd=F75QpsZMntobha20s30JG4HZyWbcjm.1 회의 ID: 848 6238 9983 암호: 694513 Abstract: Landau quasiparticle theory is one of the greatest triumphs of solid-state physics since it drastically simplifies interacting many fermion problems into the much simpler single-particle Fermi gas problems. In this work, we explore the quasiparticle theory in more depth by looking…

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20230825 Electron flying qubit as a new platform for quantum computation

Electron flying qubit as a new platform for quantum computation Shintaro Takda National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), 1-1-1 Umezono, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-8563, Japan Flying qubits implemented with optical photons are often used to exchange information within an engineered quantum system, and they represent a vital part of the global roadmap towards secure data transmission. Due to the weak interaction between…

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20230721 Probing magnetic states of quantum materials in proximity to superconductivity

Probing magnetic states of quantum materials in proximity to superconductivity Jungpil Seo (서정필) Department of Physics and Chemistry, DGIST, Korea 42988 The spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy (SPSTM) technique, which is based on scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), has long been recognized for its exceptional resolution in studying the magnetic properties of quantum materials. However, its widespread use has been hindered by the challenge of maintaining a stable magnetic tip. In this…

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20230630 Partitioning of diluted anyons reveals their braiding statistics

Partitioning of diluted anyons reveals their braiding statistics Changki Hong Braun Center for Submicron Research, Department of Condensed Matter Physics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel. Fractional quantum Hall systems host anyons that carry fractional charges and obey their anyonic statistics. Here we describe a new kind of process named ‘time-domain braiding’. The experiment is based on a ‘two-quantum point contact’ configuration fabricated in 2D electrons confined in a high-purity…

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20230616 Light-matter interaction in the flatland: recent advances and novel applications

Light-matter interaction in the flatland: recent advances and novel applications Denis Bandurin Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore Since the first isolation of graphene, devices based on novel low-dimensional materials (LDM) and their heterostructures have become a gold mine for exploring new fundamental phenomena. Reduced dimensionality, peculiar band structures, quantum geometry, and strong quasiparticle interactions in a unique way determine the response of LDM to external…

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20230428 Novel electronic properties of Dirac plasma

“Novel electronic properties of Dirac plasma” Dr. Alexey Berdyugin Department of Materials Science and Engineering, National University of Singapore Apr. 28 (Fri.), 04:00 PM https://kriss-re-kr.zoom.us/j/81483305475?pwd=TDlUeWtTdHJkRHF5T1lqakVsdU1vQT09 회의 ID: 814 8330 5475 암호: 802174 Abstract: The most recognizable feature of graphene’s electronic spectrum is its Dirac point around which interesting phenomena tend to cluster. At elevated temperatures thermal excitations can overcome the disorder and create an electron-hole (e-h) plasma of Dirac fermions.…

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20230330 Efforts towards ballistic graphene spintronics

“Efforts towards ballistic graphene spintronics” Dr. Dong-Keun Ki Department of Physics, The University of Hong Kong Mar. 30 (Thu.), 04:00 PM https://kaist.zoom.us/j/89378880769 회의 ID: 893 7888 0769 암호: 909660 Abstract: Thanks to high intrinsic electron and hole mobility, graphene has shown pronounced ballistic transport effects such as transverse magnetic focusing (TMF), Fabry-Pérot-like interference, ballistic snake states, and Veselago lensing effect among many others. On the other hand, graphene has been…

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20221118 Qubits, new experimental tools for physics

“Qubits, new experimental tools for physics” Dr. Donghun Lee Department of Physics, Korea University Nov. 18 (Fri.), 04:00 PM E6-2. 1st fl. #1323 https://kaist.zoom.us/j/89378880769 회의 ID: 893 7888 0769 암호: 909660 Abstract: Many breakthroughs and new findings in physics have been accompanied with the invention and development of novel and precise experimental tools. Qubits are not only essential components for quantum information science and technologies, but also can be used…

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