20211203 Topological Spin Textures: Skyrmions and Beyond

“Topological Spin Textures:
Skyrmions and Beyond”

Dr. Soong-Geun Je
Department of Physics, Chonnam National University

Dec. 3 (Fri.), 02:30 PM
회의 ID: 851 9339 8774
암호: 867451

Magnetic skyrmions have intensively been investigated since the discovery a decade ago. The discovery makes skyrmions potentially interesting for future applications and sparked great interest in exploring rich physics which arise from their topological properties. In this talk, we present recent advances of skyrmion-based devices and their limitations to the realization of real device-level applications. We also examine various topology-originated phenomena of skyrmions that give great excitement to the field of topological spin textures. Finally, we will present recent trends in exploring alternative magnetic quasiparticles that go beyond skyrmions.