20210812 Large magnetotransport responses of topological van der Waals magnets

“Large magnetotransport responses of topological van der Waals magnets”

Dr. Jun Sung Kim
Department of Physics, POSTECH

Aug. 12 (Thu.), 09:30 AM
Online seminar
회의 ID: 850 8753 5578
암호: 177566

Topological semimetals, whose low energy electronic structure possesses several band contact points or lines, are generally expected to exhibit novel transport responses. Particularly, when combined with magnetism, topological band degeneracy is intimately coupled with spin configurations or orientations, offering an efficient magnetic control of electronic conduction. In this talk, I will introduce van der Waals (vdW) magnets, where combination of magnetism, spin-orbit interaction, and orbital-driven topological band degeneracy gives rise to large magnetotransport responses and magnetic tunability. These findings demonstrate that topological vdW magnets have great potential for various spin-dependent electronic functionalities.