20181207 Novel probes of interacting electrons in 2D systems

“Novel probes of interacting electrons in 2D systems”

Dr. Joon Ho Jang
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Seoul National University

Dec. 7 (Fri.), 04:00 PM
E6-2. 1st fl. #1323

The multitude of emergent phases in the quantum Hall (QH) and superconducting (SC) regime that develop from the dominant electron-electron interactions have fascinated researchers for decades. While traditional transport measurements have played monumental roles in initially discovering many of the quantum phases, more conclusive identification of the theoretically proposed models of these states requires the development of new experimental methods because the signatures of certain wave functions are often very subtle to distinguish in transport experiments.
In this talk, I will introduce our efforts on developing novel experimental probes employing ultra-sensitive electric and magnetic field sensing of 2D electron systems in the QH and SC regime, that led to the observation of a Wigner crystal and spin-triplet superconducting vortices. I will also discuss how further improvement of these tools, when combined with conventional transport devices, can help unravel definitive “clues” and advance our understanding of the strongly interacting quantum phases in various 2D systems.