161018 Visualization of oxygen vacancy in motion and the interplay with electronic conduction

“Visualization of oxygen vacancy in motion and the interplay with electronic conduction”

Dr. Chan-Ho Yang, Department of Physics, KAIST
Oct. 18 (Tue.), 1:30 PM, 1st fl. #1323(E6-2)

The multiferroic BiFeO3 (BFO) is an interesting playground to explore correlated electronic conduction. Here, we substitute divalent Ca ions into the parent BFO and apply an external electric field at elevated temperatures to spatially redistribute spontaneously created oxygen vacancies, thereby generating hole carriers in regions of less dense oxygen vacancy concentrations. X-ray diffraction and photoemission spectroscopic measurement are employed to quantify a large variation of local oxygen vacancy concentration as much as ~1021 cm-3 and explore the consequent evolution of electronic band structure. We find that a non-rigid polaronic band is created by hole doping as a result of a strong electron-lattice coupling. We also show strong evidence for the disorder-driven formation of a Coulomb glass state through electronic transport measurement on a quantitative level. These spectroscopic and transport results can be combined and understood in the framework of intrinsic spatial inhomogeneity of polaronic charge density. Dynamical properties of oxygen vacancy in motion will be also discussed in a spatial-resolved way. The finding offers a promising platform and methodology for examining the interplay of functional defects and correlated electronic behaviors.

Contact: SunYoung Choi, (sunyoungchoi@kaist.ac.kr)
Center for Quantum Coherence in Condensed Matter, KAIST