20221118 Qubits, new experimental tools for physics

“Qubits, new experimental tools for physics”

Dr. Donghun Lee
Department of Physics, Korea University

Nov. 18 (Fri.), 04:00 PM
E6-2. 1st fl. #1323

회의 ID: 893 7888 0769
암호: 909660

Many breakthroughs and new findings in physics have been accompanied with the invention and development of novel and precise experimental tools. Qubits are not only essential components for quantum information science and technologies, but also can be used as novel experimental tools for physics. In this talk, we will introduce examples of the new opportunities using qubits, especially based on solid-state spin qubits; nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers in diamond. First, we will introduce our recent efforts toward nanometer scale NMR sensing. We will show that a single NV center is used to probe NMR signals of 1H and 19F nuclear spins within ~10-20 nm distance from the qubit. We will compare various sensing techniques such as pulsed/continuous dynamical decoupling, correlation measurement, quantum memory, etc. Second, we will introduce nanometer scale imaging based on a single spin scanning magnetometer where a single NV center is combined with an atomic force microscope. We will show several imaging examples including current flows in graphene devices and ferromagnetic spin waves in YIG magnetic materials.