171201 Gate control of spin information in a quantum well channel

“Gate control of spin information in a quantum well channel”

Dr. HyunCheol Koo
Center for Spintronics, KIST

Dec. 1 (Fri.), 02:30 PM
E6-2. 1st fl. #1323

In the semiconductor spintronics the Rashba spin splitting and the spin Hall effect are the two most compelling topics. In this talk, the experimental results of spin injection and gate control of spin precession is presented. The original Datta-Das prediction of a gate voltage controlled conductance oscillation in a spin injected field effect transistor, caused by coherent spin precession in a Rashba spin-orbit system, is the cornerstone of semiconductor spintronics research. Our result is the first experimental observation and confirmation of the Datta-Das prediction using an InAs quantum well channel. We also combine spin Hall and Rashba effects to provide two novel results: a direct demonstration of the ballistic spin Hall effect and a new technique for an all-electric measurement of the Datta–Das conductance oscillation. This talk presents complementary spin transistors consisting of two types of devices, namely parallel and antiparallel spin transistors using quantum well channels and exchange-biased ferromagnetic electrodes.